By Julius C. Dorsey Jr. By the time I graduated from Michigan State University’s advertising program, it was quite apparent that Black consumer markets were not to be ignored if a brand wanted to succeed. I was fortunate to join teams that created some of the most...
Manufacturers, retailers and consumer goods and services brands are probably taking a good, hard look at the behavior of the U.S. consumer. After all, what goes up eventually comes down – – and, we’re in the midst of the longest economic expansion since...
I recently read about Tyson entering the meatless and plant-blended meat business under its own NEW brand. As competitive and marketing strategists intent on winning the battle before the first shot is fired, here’s what Dorsey & Company sees . . . Analysis of...
By Julius C. Dorsey Jr. In honor of Black History Month, I thought I’d share a little about the Black History I was honored to be a part of. As a graduate of Michigan State University’s advertising program, and 18 months under my belt as a J. Walter Thompson account...